Privacy Policy & Cookies Policy

In order for us to operate our business and provide our services to You, it is sometimes necessary for us to collect or process information about You


In general terms, this information will take one or more of the following forms:

Our commitment to data privacy

We are fully committed to maintaining the privacy of any information that you provide to us. Furthermore, we commit to ensuring that such data is held securely, used appropriately and only retained for as long as is necessary.

Our systems and services are designed with privacy in mind, and we operate a 'data minimisation' principle wherever possible - that is to say that we will only ever ask you for the minimum amount of information required to provide our services efficiently; we have no desire to retain or maintain any more information than is necessary. We aspire to comply to the fullest extent possible with applicable data protection regulations.

Who we are

In terms of your use of this website, We, Bluesparrow Solutions Limited, act in the capacity of Data Controller, and should you have any questions or concerns about the data we hold about you, we can be contacted using the information below: Data Controller: Bluesparrow Solutions Limited
Email correspondence:

Definition of Personal Data

When we refer to Ppersonal Data we mean any information that allows us to identify you personally. Obvious examples include your name, email address, postal address etc. We will always seek to gain your explicit consent to providing this information before we collect it from you, although this may not be the only legal basis on which we collect the data.

Who we share data with

We operate on a strict 'need to know' basis for all data that we work with, and that is particularly true for any personal data. The only people/organisations that are granted access to personal data are:

How your data is protected

We take the security of all personal data very seriously, and that data is protected in a number of ways:

Access to your personal data

In the situation where you have directly provided personal information to us, such as by completing an online form or contacting us for further information, you have a number of rights regarding the personal data that we hold: In the situation where we collect personal data automatically, such as from your internet browser or via internet Cookies or other similar technologies:

Type of Data Collected - Overview

In general terms, this information will take one or more of the following forms:

When you complete one of the contact forms on our website, we will ask you for a number of pieces of personal information, such as your name, email address and other contact details. This is obviously required for us to respond to your request. If you do not use or submit an online form on the website, no data will be collected in that regard.

Technical Data - Such as IP Address

When you visit our website, our systems will log a record of your visit in our server logs, and typically this record will include the technical 'IP' address that is associated with your device and the browser type and version that you are using.

Such server logs are extremely common practice, and are used to monitor technical resources, monitor high-level server activity, and importantly to detect and prevent malicious or fraudulent activity on our systems. This data can also be used, if required, to diagnose reports of technical issues. The storage of IP addresses, allow us to identify patterns of behaviour (such as repeated malicious attempts to access a system).

IP addresses, in and of themselves, do not allow us in any way to identify you as an individual, especially given that it is very common for IP addresses to be dynamically allocated by your service provider, and will therefore often routinely change.

Furthermore, we do not and will not use the content of server access logs to attempt to determine an identifiable individual. We therefore do not consider that data held within server logs falls within the scope of 'personal data', and accordingly we do not seek your consent to collect it.

Website Analytics

We use Google Analytics and Matomo to better understand what people look at on our website.

When people visit our site, information about their visit, such as which pages they look at, how long they spend on the site and so on, is sent in an anonymous form to Google Analytics, which is controlled by Google.

The data contains information about anyone who uses our website from your computer, and there is no way to identify individuals from the data.

We ensure that no personally identifiable information is ever contained within the data sent to our analytics providers, and we also perform a process which partially obscures your IP address information.

As analytics information is not personal data, we do not specifically ask for your prior consent.